How small but smart cities are changing the way data and decisions are influencing urban life
The popular concept of using technology to improve urban life gained traction over a decade ago. But researchers and practitioners say that the focus has shifted from big cities to small cities that are transforming organizational structures and implementing new technologies.
By Lisa Palmer

Hannes Astok recalled his time as a test customer for digital innovations in Tartu, Estonia. Local university students and startup companies brought him their beta versions of technology that could solve a city problem. He provided feedback. In the early days, his city used SMS messages to inform par- ents if their child did not arrive at school. SIM cards could turn on streetlights. But the new innovations, coming out of a geography department, for example, brought the city mobile phone data for city planning and technology for energy efficiency. “They were also bringing us solutions to problems we didn’t even know we had,” Astok said, laughing. The purpose of this university and city collaboration was not only to use data to increase cost savings and transparency for citizens of Tartu, but also to foster an atmosphere of innovation. The smart city laboratory built a bridge from city govern- ment to ideas emerging from the University of Tartu and has since helped to transform the city center and its Soviet-era apartment buildings
Despite Tartu’s history as one of the oldest cities in the Baltic states and as part of Estonia’s evolution following its independence from the Soviet Union, Tartu was an early adopter of technology and embraced digitalization beginning in the 2000s, when Astok served as deputy mayor. “Estonia was very much a transition country and yet, in this sense, it was much easier to invent whatever you’d like to invent because you didn’t have much money, you had a bunch of problems, and you could make shortcuts and quickly solve issues,” said Astok, who helped to lead massive computerization and connectivity development for city departments, schools and institutions, which ran on paper document management systems when he took office in 1998. (Read the complete story in Nature Cities.)
New Inroads to Community-Centric Placemaking
By Lisa Palmer
In 2013, when an urban renewal agency began working on the Helenvale community of Gqeberha, a port city on Algoa Bay in South Africa’s Eastern Cape province, the inhabitants had much to gain. With three out of four adult residents unemployed, a 9% high school graduation rate, a great percentage of households with no income, the highest violent crime rate in the country, and 22 gangs operating among 5,000 households, those involved in the renewal thought that any improvement would offer advantages to Helenvale. Yet, initial attempts met resistance. Urban designers, technocrats, academics and social workers all provided insights, but the community rejected them. For Debbie Hendricks, operations executive of the Mandela Bay Development Agency, that process was humbling, mostly because the community expressed that it needed help safeguarding residents even though the urban planning changes required seemed intangible. The community wanted safe passages to schools and better lighting on streets and sidewalks. Residents wanted a sports field on neutral ground. They wanted their youth to develop the ability to become employed.

Construction on a bridge is visible from Bukit Brown Cemetary, Singapore. Credit: dpa picture alliance/Alamy Stock Photo
“Helenvale was a sterile environment beset with every possible problem and a deep sense of pain as a result of the South African legacy,” said Hendricks. “Although the community had very, very little, they were adamant that the community and place be recognized as they were. It wasn’t a matter of creating a new place but of enhancing what was there already; it was not physical. We had been challenged because, as urban planners, we want to put things in boxes, and it was clear that was not going to work in this area.”
As urban landscapes continue to grapple with multifaceted challenges, the role of bottom-up and cross-sector placemaking in community transformation has emerged as a pivotal force. Placemaking leverages the vision and resources of local users, sometimes with the help of private investments, to shape and support public spaces, such as parks and plazas. Cities are now developing new approaches to address community needs by detaching some of the decision-making from city hall and putting it into the hands of community members. For cities, this has meant becoming comfortable with the informality and partnership approaches that can ensure stable place making from the ground up. Innovations in urban placemaking and place governance now include a change in who makes decisions about access to goods and services in a city. … (Read the complete story in Nature Cities. )
How trees and forests reduce risks from climate change
By Lisa Palmer
Across the globe, increasing tree cover is a popular solution to offset carbon emissions. Replenishing trees is only part of the answer, and scientists seek an increased role as part of a multi-layered policy approach.

Published in Nature Climate Change, May 2021.
Finding Peace
Displaced and disenfranchised by decades of war, some Colombians are rebuilding their lives—and their forests—through ranching.

Published in Nature Conservancy, May 30, 2020
Hacking Conservation

Published in Nature, May 30, 2019
Meeting the leadership challenges for interdisciplinary environmental research
Published in Nature Sustainability, July 16, 2018
One meal a day

Published in The New Republic, July 2017
Urban Agriculture growth in U.S. cities
Published in Nature Sustainability, January 8, 2018
Adding power to the value of trees
Published in Nature Energy, April 11, 2017
‘It’s a perverse system’: How Colombia’s farmers are reforesting their logged land
Published in The Guardian, December 29, 2017
The next water cycle
Published in Nature Climate Change, October 29, 2014
Colombia finds hope for saving its wild lands.
Published in E360, October 25, 2017.
A new climate for grazing livestock.
Published in Nature Climate Change, May 8, 2014
New Security Beat (Feb. 12, 2020). To Envision a More Sustainable Future, Tell the Story of Conservation Technology.
Mongabay (August 15, 2019). Precision conservation: High tech to the rescue in the Peruvian Amazon.
Mongabay (June 1, 2018). Private sector leaders seek to ramp up investment in sustainable landscapes with help of public partners.
The Guardian (Dec. 29, 2017). How Colombia’s farmers are reforesting their logged land.
E360 (October 25, 2017). With new peace, Colombia finds hope for saving its wild lands.
Scientific American (May 22, 2017). Feeding a Hot, Hungry Planet. Commentary.
EHN’s Environmental Health News (March 28, 2017). Is Soil the Great New Integrator?
Ensia (January 11, 2017). The Amazing Opportunity 2017 is Bringing to Business.
Ensia (January 11, 2017). Now More Than Ever We Need To Address the Environment and Human Rights Together.
Ensia (January 11, 2017). We’ve Done a Good Job Of Envisioning a Better World. Now We Need to Build It.
Ensia (January 11, 2017). It’s Time To Stop Overspending Our Freshwater Budget.
Ensia (Dec. 27, 2016). Technology Got Us Into This Climate Mess, and it Can Help Get Us Out—If We Let It.
New Security Beat (Nov. 2, 2016). Could Climate Change Keep Kids Out of School?
E360 (May 10, 2016). How Rising CO2 Levels May Contribute to Die-Off of Bees.
Nautilus (Dec. 4, 2015). I went to India and Saw the Future of Climate-Smart Farming.
Pulitzer Center (Nov. 21, 2015). Learning from India’s “Smart” Farming Villages.
Climate Connections (Nov. 19, 2015). Learning From India’s Climate Smart Farming Villages.
E360 (Nov. 5, 2015). Will Indonesian Fires Spark Reform of Rogue Forest Sector?
The Guardian (Oct. 12, 2015). India’s Climate Tech Revolution is Starting in its Villages.
The Guardian (Aug 15, 2015). Businesses Delivering the Most Coveted Perk: A Better Commute.
Climate Connections (July 8, 2015). Climate change Poses Challenges for Land Trusts.
Climate Connections (May 13, 2015). Challenges Ahead for California Ag Water Users.
E360 (Feb. 5, 2015). Agricultural Movement Tackles Challenges of a Warming World.
The Guardian (Jan. 13, 2015). Can a New Form of Accounting Save Animals from Extinction?
New Security Beat (Nov. 25, 2014). Can Ecologists and Engineers Work Together to Harness Water for the Future?
E360 (June 5, 2014). How Weeds Could Help Feed Billions in a Warming World.
Slate Magazine (April 10, 2014). Famine is a Feminist Issue.
E360 (March 13, 2014). In the Pastures of Colombia, Cows and Crops Coexist.
Climate Connections (Feb. 5, 2014). Can Unbiased, Fact-Based, In-Depth Environmental News Compete?
Climate Connections (Feb. 11, 2014). Scientist Boesch Emphasizes Ecosystems Management Approaches.
The Guardian (Jan. 22, 2014). Wanted: A Clean Trillion Dollar Investment to Limit Climate Change.
Climate Connections (Dec. 19, 2013). Reviewing Top U.S. Climate News Stories of 2013.
The Guardian (Nov. 15, 2013). Green Homes for the Masses.
Climate Connections (Nov. 5, 2013). Feeding 9 Billion on a Hot and Hungry Planet.
The Guardian (Oct 24, 2013). The Power of Procurement.
The Guardian (Oct. 3, 2013). Vineyards Take Action As Climate Change Threatens Wines and Livelihoods.
The Guardian (Aug. 6, 2013). Texas Turning Substandard Cotton into Eco-friendly Products.
The Guardian (July 30, 2013). What Can Madagascar Teach Us About Rice and Water?
E360 (July 29, 2013). Facing Tough Market, Coal Gian Peabody Energy Pushes Overseas.
The Guardian (June 24, 2013). How Engineered Wetlands in Saudi Arabia Can Save Water and Money.
Slate Magazine (May 28, 2013). What are Extreme Runners Thinking?
Scientific American (March 6, 2013). Melting Arctic Ice Will Make Way for More Ships—and More Species Invasions.
The New York Times (March 1, 2013). The Angry Economist.
The New York Times (Feb. 15, 2013). Floating Islands to the Rescue.
The New York Times (Feb. 7, 2013). A Climate Proposal: Bundling Consumer Buying Power.
Ensia (January 27, 2013). Artificial Islands Mimic Nature’s Way of Cleansing Water.
Slate Magazine (Nov. 13, 2012). Where is All the Coal?
Slate Magazine (Nov. 12, 2012). Why Does Old King Coal Still Rule?
Slate Magazine (Oct. 29, 2012). Hurricane Sandy and Climate Change.
Slate Magazine (Oct. 29, 2012). Hurricane Sandy a Hybrid Storm.
Scientific American (May 22, 2012). Digging into Climate Change, U.S. Students Find More Than Science.
Scientific American (May 21, 2012). Climate Education Graduates to the Next Level.
Slate Magazine (May 10, 2011). Ice Flows.
Scientific American (Dec. 28, 2010). Behavior Frontiers: Can Social Science Combat Climate Change?
Scientific American (Dec. 18, 2009). Eyes Wide Shut: Earth’s Vital Signs Soon to Go Unmeasured as Satellites Fail.
Popular Mechanics (Oct. 1, 2009). 3-D Laser Imaging Helps Restore a 19th Century Firehouse
FORTUNE (Sept. 12, 2007). A Better Prenatal Test?
Yankee Magazine (July 24, 2007. ). David Haskell: Green Giant in Massachusetts.
FORTUNE (July 27, 2007). An E-Z Pass for Emissions Tests.
Boston Sunday Globe (Oct. 16, 2005). Mathematics Made Fun.
Climate Connections is an online news website and a nationally syndicated public radio show aired twice daily on over 220 stations in North America and is a podcast. I was a regular contributor for articles and audio 2009-2016. See selected audio programs and links to transcripts below.
Climate Connections (Mar. 24, 2017). Botanical Garden Sees Volatile Weather.
Climate Connections (July 25, 2016). Calculate Your ‘Beyond Water” Water Consumption.
Climate Connections (June 24, 2016). Christian Values and Climate Change.
Climate Connections (May 27, 2016). The Climate Benefits of Healthy Forests.
Climate Connections (April 12, 2016). Helping Bees as the Climate Changes.
Climate Connections (April 8, 2016). A Better Way to Manage Reservoir Levels.
Climate Connections (March 30, 2016). Even a Single Tree Makes a Difference.
Climate Connections (March 23, 2016). Protecting Kids on Playgrounds in a Warming Climate.
Climate Connections (March 21, 2016). Self-Transportation in a Changing Climate.
Climate Connections (March 16, 2016). Shade Trees Help Save Energy.
Climate Connections (Dec. 23, 2015). Solar Momentum in North Carolina.
Climate Connections (Dec. 1, 2015). The Co-Benefits of Climate Action.
Climate Connections (Nov. 27, 2015) Seeds of Change.
Climate Connections (Nov. 24, 2015). Climate Change Citizen Scientists.
Climate Connections (Nov. 4, 2015) Community Net Metering.
Climate Connections (Oct. 23, 2015. New Climate Adaptation Professionals.
Climate Connections (Sept. 28, 2015). Preventing Washouts on Vermont Roads.
Climate Connections (Aug. 3, 2015). Climate Change and Children’s Health.
Climate Connections (July 30, 2015). Asthma and Global Warming.
Climate Connections (July 15, 2015). A Diet for a Warmer Planet.
Climate Connections (July 10, 2015). More Resilient Farming in a Changing Climate.
Climate Connections (July 2, 2015). Improving Irrigation Efficiency.
Climate Connections (June 10, 2015). Ocean Acidification Poses Risks to Coastal Economies.
Climate Connections (April 20, 2015). Help From Ancient Grains in a Warmer Climate.
Climate Connections (May 26, 2015). Iowa Farming Clean Energy.
Climate Connections (March 24, 2015). A Tougher and Cleaner Ford Truck.
Climate Connections (Feb. 24, 2015). How to Make Aspen Climate Resilient.
Climate Connections (Feb. 6, 2015). Affordable Housing and Sustainability.
Climate Connections (Jan. 12, 2015). Military Experts Weighing Impacts on Mighty Mississippi River.
Editor, Climate Finance Works. 2011. The Center for Clean Air Policy-Europe.